Saturday, March 23, 2013

Film: Oz: The Great and Powerful

This movie is actually pretty good but not bad (Its worth while seeing). If I was to rate the movie out of 10 I would give it a 8.5/10 because it some what follows the story line w huh ich it's pretty good but has some what of a twist that is kinda interesting. The down side is you don't really no the real wizard of oz except the father that was purposely killed by the evil sister.

To some up this movie (Oz: The Great and Powerful) it's pretty much about a average guy trying to make a living by putting up an act of being a magician & going town to town. If you haven't Seen the movie I'm not going to spoil to much more if you haven't seen it yet.

OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL Set Visit and Video Blog Recap | Collider

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Animated Film

     A animated film that I've recently watched again that I've hadn't seen in awhile that's in my top 5 is Evangelion 1.11: You Are (Not) Alone. I bought this movie up because it's the most bought up movie amongst my friends and other people that I've interacted with that's in there top 10 Animated movies they've liked even though there's a few down falls about the movie that most people don't like about it. it seems it gets 5 out of 5 out of everyone that I've come across and I agree A 100% because it has a decent story line but to get it or to get the full view or get the meaning of the Movie you would have to watch the 24 Episode T.V. series. (1.0 version) Evangelion 1.0: You Are (Not) Alone